The (not so) Great Cycling Page

I've been cycling since I was six in one form or another. For my sixth birthday, I got a blue one-speed, coaster brake bike from the police auction. Over the years I've graduated through a series of more sophisticated conveyances and now own (and occasionally even ride) two bikes. My Specialized Cirrus road bike is the fun one used on weekends and occasionally after work to go tearing around through the country-side. It is fast and light (about 25#) and lots of fun to ride. For commuting to work, shopping, and generally getting around, I use my Raliegh MT200 Mountain Bike. It is conciderably heavier and what it lacks in speed and grace it more than makes up for in the durability department. I've owned both now for six years and have no complaints despite the abuse I put them through.

A Few Trip Reports

Potomac River/C&O Canal Canoe-Bike, 4-15-01.
Team Juniper rides at the Seagull Century '98, 10-3-98.

Some Thoughts on Urban Biking

Here's a quote from Neil Stephenson's Zodiac regarding Nocturnal Urban Biking (something I do a lot of...)
..."Don't worry, you hold down the fort and I'll ride over on my bike."
	"You got a light on that thing?"
	I laughed.  "Since when are you the type to worry about that?"
	"It's dangerous, man.  You're invisible."
	"I just assume I'm not invisible.  I assume I'm wearing fluorescent 
clothes, and there's a million-dollar bounty going to the first driver who 
manages to hit me.  And I ride on that assumption."

Cycling Links - (all very old)

There are a lot of cycling resources out there on the web and this list barely scratches the surface. Many of these pages can lead you to better selections.

Be safe and Happy Cycling to All!
Charles Danforth / / Last Updated 5-11-01