ASTR 6000 -- Astrophysics Seminar (Precision Cosmology)

INSTRUCTOR:  Michael Shull

TIME AND PLACE: Thursday 4:00 - 5:00 pm, DUANE E-126. You can check the list below for the schedule of topics and assigned discussion leaders.  


GOALS OF THIS COURSE: This seminar is intended primarily for APS and Physics graduate students, and is loosely related to one of the graduate Astrophysics courses this term: ASTR 5770 (Cosmology). The seminar provides an opportunity for graduate students to explore one area of current research in depth, by reading and discussing review articles and research papers.

READINGS:   In this seminar, we will read and discuss classical and current research papers on the subject of "Precision Measurements in Cosmology". For those of you who wish to read more in the subject, see the ASTR 6000 webpage.

PREREQUISITES: Undergraduate degree in Physics (especially classical mechanics, modern physics, statistical and thermal physics, electromagnetic theory) or permission of the instructor  

MATHEMATICAL SKILLS REQUIRED:  Math and physical concepts, needed in class discussions of astrophysical gas dynamics, thermodynamics, radiation spectra, and nuclear reaction networks.