Review Sheet for Third Exam

 APAS 1110     SECTION 001


This sheet is to help you prepare for the first exam.  It is not a "sample'' of the exam.  Instead it is designed to help you focus on  the most important aspects of a large body of material.

The exam is “closed book”, but useful formulae and constants will be provided if needed.

What is the surface temperature of Venus and why?
What evidence is there for vulcanism?
What are the axial tilt and spin rate?
How was it mapped?
What are its major continental features called?

What is the surface temperature
What evidence is there for vulcanism?
What are the axial tilt and spin rate?
How was it mapped?
What are its major continental features called?
What is the evidence for continental drift?
How old are the continents?

How was it formed? How old is it?  How did the planets form?
Why did it stop shrinking?  How does pressure balance make it stable?
What is the temperature in the core?  Where does its luminosity come from?
How long will it last?  Then what?
Why is the surface turbulent?  How do sunspots form?
What is the photosphere?  chromosphere?  corona?
How is the corona formed?  How long is the solar cycle?
What is the solar wind and how is it formed?

How large and massive is it? What is its composition?
Why does it give off excess heat?  What causes its stripes?
What is the Great Red Spot? What is at Jupiter's core?
Name the Galilean moons. Which moon has active volcanoes and why?
What is the Io torus?  Which moon may harbor an ocean of water and where?
Know about Jupiter's ring.

How large and massive is it? What is its composition?
Why does it give off excess heat?  What causes its stripes?
What are the rings made of?  What is Cassini's Division and why is it there?
How thick are the rings?   What is Titan's atmosphere made of?
Why does Titan have smog?  Why does Mimas look like the Death Star?