First-author Publications (15)
- "Far-UV Emission Properties of FR1 Radio Galaxies",
Danforth , Stocke, France, Begelman, & Perlman 2016, ApJ, 832, 76 - "An HST/COS Survey of the Low-redshift Intergalactic Medium. I. Survey, Methodology, and Overall Results",
Danforth , Keeney, Tilton, Shull, Stocke, et al. 2016, ApJ, 817, 111 - "A Fast Flare and Direct Redshift Constraint in Far-UV Spectra of the Blazar S5 0716+714",
Danforth , Nalewajko, France, & Keeney 2013 ApJ, 764, 57
- "An HST/COS Search for Warm-hot Baryons in the Mrk 421 Sight Line",
Danforth , Stocke, Keeney, Penton, Shull, Yao, & Green 2011 ApJ, 743, 18 - "Hubble/COS Observations of the Lya Forest Toward the BL Lac Object 1ES 1553+113",
Danforth , Keeney, Stocke, Shull, & Yao 2010 ApJ, 720, 976
- "Broad HI Absorbers as Metallicity-independent Tracers of the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium",
Danforth , Stocke, & Shull 2010 ApJ, 710, 613
- "The Low-z Intergalactic Medium. III. H I and Metal Absorbers at z < 0.4",
Danforth & Shull 2008 ApJ, 679, 194
- "Possible Detection of O VI from the LMC Superbubble N70",
Danforth & Blair 2006 ApJ, 646, 205
- "The Low-z Intergalactic Medium. II. Lyalpha, OVI, and CIII Forest",
Danforth , Shull, Rosenberg, & Stocke 2006 ApJ, 640, 716
- "The Low-z Intergalactic Medium. I. O VI Baryon Census",
Danforth & Shull 2005 ApJ, 624, 555
- "Far-UV and Hα Spectroscopy of SNR 0057-7226 in the SMC H II Region N66",
Danforth , Sankrit, Blair, Howk, & Chu 2003 ApJ, 586, 1179
- "An Atlas of Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer Sight Lines toward the Magellanic Clouds",
Danforth , Howk, Fullerton, Blair, & Sembach 2002 ApJS, 139, 81
- "A Detailed Analysis of a Cygnus Loop Shock-Cloud Interaction",
Danforth , Blair, & Raymond 2001 AJ, 122, 938
- "The ISM Interactions of a Runaway Luminous Blue Variable Nebula in the LMC",
Danforth & Chu 2001 ApJ, 552, L155
- "A Comparison of Ultraviolet, Optical, and X-Ray Imagery of Selected Fields in the Cygnus Loop",
Danforth , Cornett, Levenson, Blair, & Stecher 2000 AJ, 119, 2319
- "Acoustic Applications of Phased Array Technology",
Danforth 2000 Bulletin of the Royal Acoustical Society, 25:6, 9
Co-author Publications (68)
- "Characterizing the CGM of Nearby Galaxies with COS and STIS Spectroscopy: II. Methods and Models",
Keeney, Stocke, Danforth, Shull, Pratt, Froning, Green, Penton, & Savage 2017 ApJS, submitted
- "The Warm Circum-Galactic Medium: 10^5-6K Gas Associated with a Single Galaxy Halo or with an Entire Group of Galaxies?",
Stocke, Keeney, Danforth, Oppenheimer, Pratt, & Berlind 2017 ApJ, 838, 37 (arXiv:1702.08554)
- "HST/COS Observations of AGNs. III. Spectral Constraints in the Lyman Continuum from Composite COS/G140L Data",
Tilton, Stevans, Shull, & Danforth 2016 ApJ, 817, 56
- "The Metagalactic Ionizing Background: A Crisis in UV Photon Production or Incorrect Galaxy Escape Fractions?",
Shull, Moloney, Danforth, & Tilton 2015 ApJ, 811, 3
- "On the Size and Mass of Photoionized Clouds in Extended Spiral Galaxy Halos",
Davis, Keeney, Danforth, & Stocke 2015 ApJ, 810, 92
- "A Detection of Gas Associated with the M31 Stellar Stream",
Koch, Danforth, Rich, Ibata, & Keeney 2015 ApJ, 807, 153
- "Ultraviolet ISM Diagnostics for Star-forming Galaxies. I. Tracers of Metallicity and Extinction",
Zetterlund, Levesque, Leitherer, & Danforth 2015 ApJ, 805, 151
- "The Lya Line Profiles of Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies: Fast Winds and Lyman Continuum Leakage",
Martin, Dijkstra, Henry, Soto, Danforth, & Wong 2015 ApJ, 803, 6
- "Tracing the Cosmic Metal Evolution in the Low-redshift Intergalactic Medium",
Shull, Danforth, & Tilton 2014 ApJ, 796, 49
- "An HST/COS Observation of Broad Lya Emission and Associated Absorption Lines of the BL Lacertae Object H2356-309",
Fang, Danforth, Buote, Stocke, Shull, Canizares, & Gastaldello 2014 ApJ, 795, 57
- "Updated Models for the Creation of a Low-z QSO Absorber by a Dwarf Galaxy Wind",
Keeney, Joeris, Stocke, Danforth, & Levesque 2014 AJ, 148, 103
- "HST/COS Observations of AGN. II. Extended Survey of UV Composite Spectra from 159 AGN",
Stevans, Shull, Danforth, & Tilton 2014 ApJ, 794, 75
- "Absorption-line Detections of 10^5-10^6K Gas in Spiral-rich Groups of Galaxies ",
Stocke, Keeney, Danforth, Syphers, Yamamoto, Shull, Green, Froning, Savage, Wakker, Kim, Ryan-Weber, & Kacprzak 2014 ApJ, 791, 128
- "The Photon Underproduction Crisis",
Kollmeier, Weinberg, Oppenheimer, Haardt, Katz, Dave, Fardal, Madau, Danforth, Ford, Peeples, & McEwen 2014 ApJ, 789, L32
- "UV characteristics, outflow properties and variability of AGN Mrk 1513",
Tofany, Winter, Borguet, Edmonds, Danforth, Green, & Arav 2014 MNRAS, 439, 3649
- "Quasar Outflows and Feedback in the Far UV: HST/COS Observations of HE0238-1904",
Arav, Borguet, Chamberlain, Edmonds, &
Danforth 2013 MNRAS, 436, 3286
- " Chandra View of the Warm-Hot IGM toward 1ES1553+113: Absorption-line Detections",
p82 ft10">Nicastro, Elvis, Krongold, Mathur, Gupta,
Danforth , Barcons, Borgani, Branchini, Cen, Dav«e, Kaastra, Paerels, Piro, Shull, Takei, & Zappacosta 2013 ApJ, 769, 90
- "The Firm Redshift Lower Limit of the Most Distant TeV-detected Blazar PKS 1424+240",
Furniss, Williams,
Danforth , Fumagalli, Prochaska, Primack, Urry, Stocke, Filippenko, & Neely 2013 ApJ, 768, L31
- " On the Redshift of the Very High Energy Blazar 3C66A
Furniss, Fumagali,Danforth , Williams, & Prochaska 2013 ApJ, 766, 35", - " ft6">HST/COS Spectra of Three QSOs That Probe the Circumgalactic Medium of a Single Spiral Galaxy: Evidence for Gas Recycling and Outflow",
Keeney, Stocke, Rosenberg,
Danforth , Ryan-Weber, Shull, Savage, & Green 2013 ApJ, 765, 27
- "Characterizing the Circumgalactic Medium of Nearby Galaxies with HST Absorption Spectra",
Stocke, Keeney,
Danforth , Shull, Froning, Green, Penton, & Savage 2013 ApJ, 763, 148
- "The Low-redshift Intergalactic Medium as Seen in Archival Legacy HST/STIS and FUSE Data",
Danforth , Shull, & Ross 2012 ApJ, 759, 112
- "The Baryon Census in a Multiphase IGM: 30% of the Baryons May Still be Missing",
Shull, Smith, &
Danforth 2012 ApJ, 759, 23
- "On the Significance of Absorption Features in HST/COS Data",
Danforth , Stocke, France, & Green 2012 PASP, 124, 830
- "Identifying the Baryons in a Multiphase Intergalactic Medium",
Shull &
Danforth arXiv:1208.3249
- "HST/COS Observations of AGNs. I. Ultraviolet Composite Spectra of the Ionizing Continuum and Emission Lines",
Shull, Stevans, &
Danforth 2012 ApJ, 752, 162
- "The Cosmic Origins Spectrograph",
Green, Froning, Osterman, Ebbets, Heap, Leitherer, Linsky, Savage, Sembach, Shull, Siegmund, Snow, Spencer, Stern, Stocke, Welsh, Beland, Burgh,
Danforth , France, Keeney, McPhate, Penton, Andrews, Brownsberger, Morse, & Wilkinson 2012 ApJ, 744, 60
- "Multiwavelength Observations of A0620-00 in Quiescence",
Froning, Cantrell, Maccarone, France, Khargharia, Winter, Robinson, Hynes, Broderick, Markoff, Torres, Garcia, Bailyn, Prochaska, Werk, Thom, Beland,
Danforth , Keeney, & Green 2011 ApJ, 743, 26
- "HST/COS Observations of Galactic High-velocity Clouds: Four Active Galactic Nucleus Sight Lines through Complex C",
Shull, Stevans,
Danforth , Penton, Lockman, & Arav 2011 ApJ, 739, 105
- "Broad Lyalpha Emission from Three Nearby BL Lacertae Objects",
Danforth , & Perlman 2011 ApJ, 732, 113
- "Multiple Absorption-line Spectroscopy of the Intergalactic Medium. I. Model",
Yao, Shull,
Danforth , Keeney, & Stocke 2011 ApJ, 730, 143
- "HST/COS Detection of Ne VIII Tracing Warm-Hot Gas Toward PKS0405-123",
Narayanan, Savage, Wakker,
Danforth , Yao, Keeney, Shull, Sembach, Froning, & Green 2011 ApJ, 730, 15
- "A High-metallicity, High-velocity Cloud Along the Mrk 421 Sight Line: A Tracer of Complex M?",
Yao, Shull, &
Danforth 2011 ApJ, 728, L16
- "Ultraviolet and X-ray Variability of the Seyfert 1.5 Galaxy Mrk 817",
Danforth , Vasudevan, Brandt, Scott, Froning, Keeney, Shull, Penton, Mushotzky, Schneider, & Arav 2011 ApJ, 728, 28
- "The Quasar/Galaxy Pair PKS 1327-206/ESO 1327-2041: Absorption Associated with a Recent Galaxy Merger",
Keeney, Stocke,
Danforth , & Carilli 2011 AJ, 141, 66
- "HST/COS Observations of the Quasar HE 2347-4342: Probing the Epoch of He II Patchy Reionization at Redshifts z=2.4-2.9",
Shull, France,
Danforth , Smith, & Tumlinson 2010 ApJ, 722, 1312
- "Cosmic Origins Spectrograph Observations of Translucent Clouds: Cyg OB2 8A",
Snow, Destree, Burgh, Ferguson,
Danforth , & Cordiner 2010 ApJ, 720, L190
- "A Direct Detection of Gas Accretion: The Lyman Limit System in 3C 232",
Stocke, Keeney, &
Danforth 2010 PASA, 27, 256
- "FUSE observations in Magellanic Clouds",
Blair, Oliveira, Lamassa, Gutman,
Danforth , Fullerton, Sankrit, & Gruendl 2010 yCat, 612, 10634
- "Cosmic Origins Spectrograph Observations of the Chemical Composition of SNR LMC N132D",
France, Beasley, Keeney,
Danforth , Froning, Green, & Shull 2009 ApJ, 707, L27
- "A Large Reservoir of Ionized Gas in the Galactic Halo: Ionized Silicon in High-Velocity and Intermediate-Velocity Clouds",
Shull, Jones,
Danforth , & Collins 2009 ApJ, 699, 754
- "The FUSE Legacy in the Magellanic Clouds: An Online Stellar Sight Line Atlas",
Blair, Oliveira, Lamassa, Gutman,
Danforth , Fullerton, Sankrit, & Gruendl 2009 PASP, 121, 634
- "X-raying the Intergalactic O VI Absorbers",
Yao, Tripp, Wang,
Danforth , Canizares, Shull, Marshall, & Song 2009 ApJ, 697, 1784
- "The FUSE/MAST Magellanic Clouds Legacy Project: A New Resource for Magellanic Clouds Researchers",
Blair, Oliveira, Lamassa, Gutman,
Danforth , Fullerton, Sankrit, Gruendl, & Levay 2009 AIPC, 1135, 43
- "FUSE Observations of O VI Absorption in the Large Magellanic Cloud",
Blair, Oliveira, Lamassa, Sankrit, &
Danforth 2009 AIPC, 1135, 40
- "Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer Observations of KPD 2055+3111, a Star behind the Cygnus Loop",
p78 Blair, Sankrit, Torres, Chayer, &
Danforth 2009 ApJ, 692, 335
- "The Metallicity of Intergalactic Gas in Cosmic Voids",
Danforth , Shull, Penton, & Giroux 2007 ApJ, 671, 146
- "Baryonic content of the warm-hot intergalactic medium at low redshift",
Sonneborn, Shull,
Danforth , & Moos 2007 NCimB, 122, 1307
- "Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer Survey of Magellanic Cloud Supernova Remnants",
Blair, Ghavamian, Sankrit, &
Danforth 2006 ApJS, 165, 480
- "Does the Milky Way Produce a Nuclear Galactic Wind?",
Danforth , Stocke, Penton, Shull, & Sembach 2006 ApJ, 646, 951
- "An ATCA radio-continuum study of the SMC - IV. A multifrequency analysis of the N66 region",
Reid, Payne, Filipovi«c,
Danforth , Jones, White, & Staveley-Smith 2006 MNRAS, 367, 1379
- "The Galaxy Environment of O VI Absorption Systems",
Stocke, Penton,
Danforth , Shull, Tumlinson, & McLin 2006 ApJ, 641, 217
- "A FUSE Survey of Interstellar Molecular Hydrogen toward High-Latitude AGNs",
p95 Gillmon, Shull, Tumlinson, &
Danforth 2006 ApJ, 636, 891
- "An ATCA radio-continuum study of the Small Magellanic Cloud - III. Supernova remnants and their environments",
Filipovi«c, Payne, Reid,
Danforth , Staveley-Smith, Jones, & White 2005 MNRAS, 364, 217
- "An Unbiased Far Ultraviolet Survey of Magellanic Cloud Supernova Remnants",
Ghavamian, Blair, Sankrit,
Danforth , & Sembach 2004 astro, arXiv:astro-ph/0410271
- "The Wind of the B[e] Supergiant Henize S22 Viewed through a Reflection Nebula in DEM L106",
Chu, Chen,
Danforth , Dunne, Gruendl, Naz«e, Oey, & Points 2003 AJ, 125, 2098
- "Interstellar Bubbles in Two Young HII Regions",
Naze, Chu, Points,
Danforth , Rosado, & Chen 2001 AJ, 122, 921