pro COADD_X1D, wave, flux, err, $ files=files, path=path, chan=chan, method=method, $ no_flat=no_flat, no_flange=no_flange, update_flux=update_flux, $ no_align=no_align, scale=scale, indivshift=indivshift, ubershift=ubershift, $ plot=plot, yrange=yrange, xrange=xrange, savefile=savefile,$ newflat=newflat ;+ ;; COADD_X1D - generalized coaddition routine for aligning and ;; coadding COS FUV observations ;; ;; INPUT: files= list of x1d.fits files to process (e.g. 'lb4r10z4q') ;; If file list is not provided, code will search for ;; *x1d.fits in the path directory. ;; ;; path= path to x1d.fits files. If not provided, current ;; working directory is assumed. ;; ;; OUTPUT: wave,flux,err = coadded vectors (optional) ;; ;; PROCESSING OPTIONS: ;; chan=1 G130M (default) ;; =2 G160M ;; =3 both M gratings ;; =4 G140L ;; ;; method =-1 simple mean (previously /lowsn) ;; = 0 ;; = 1 modified exposure weighting (default) ;; = 2 err^-2 weighting ;; = 3 (S/N)^2 weighting ;; ;; ;; scale = set of scaling factors to multiply input fluxen, ;; errors by. Should be one scale per input file. ;; ;; indivshift= exposure/side specific shift (in angstroms). ;; Vector must be [n,2] where n is number of files ;; ubershift = constant shift (in angstroms) to shift the ;; wavelength vector by ;; ;; /update_flux - correct early flux calibration ;; ;; /no_flat - do not perform first-order flat-fielding (aka ;; gridwire removal, see below) ;; ;; /no_flange - do not de-weight pixels at the edges of ;; detectors in each exposure. ;; ;; /no_align - do not cross-correlate exposures ;; ;; /newflat - use the itterative flatfield files (Fall, 2010) ;; ;; OUTPUT OPTIONS: ;; savefile= name for IDL save file, if keyword is set and ;; name not supplied, 'targ_grating_coadd.idl' will ;; be used. ;; ;; plot = 1 basic flux/wavelength plot ;; = 2 two panels: flux/wavelength and exptime/wavelength ;; [x,y]range= flux/wavelength axis ranges ;; ;; ;; REQUIRES: - Steve Penton's routine to correct ;; early CalCOS output. ;; wireflat_a.idl, wireflat_b.idl - pseudo-flatfields used ;; in wire removal ;; FUV_FF_ITER.dat - itterative flatfield triggered with ;; /newflat command (Fall 2010) ;; ;; NOT YET IMPLEMENTED: ;; rigorous wavelength solutions (particularly for ;; G140L data) ;; NUV support (probably won't ever happen) ;; ;; KNOWN BUGS ;; Requires the version of distributed in the ASTROLIB ;; package. The common version in GHRSLIB is slightly, but ;; importantly. An error of "Keyword "missing" not allowed in ;; linterp" means you're default is probably the GHRS ;; version. (12/14/10) ;; ;; HISTORY: written by Charles Danforth ( ;; substantial input and testing by Brian Keeney, Kevin France, ;; Yangsen Yao, Hao Yang, Steve Penton (U. Colorado) and Anand ;; Narayanan (Wisconsin) ;; ;; 11/16/09 - beta release 1 ;; 11/20/09 - grid wire removal, flanging, release 2 ;; 11/30/09 - removed many external code dependencies ;; added weighting options and processing options ;; 12/03/09 - release 3 ;; 12/04/09 - modified exposure time weighting added, adopted as ;; default, release 4 ;; 12/07/09 - added scaling option ;; 1/13/10 - linear (ubershift) option ;; 1/15/10 - fixed coalignment bug ;; 1/19/10 - fixed reference exposure bug ;; 2/1/10 - corrected method=1 error coaddition method, ;; added multi-ref-exposure warning ;; 11/22/10 - re-corrected method=1 error coaddition ;; - /newflat option to use newest itterative flat field ;; files (see ~/cos/flat/ ;; 12/14/10 - documented linterp bug ;; ;- ;; path, variable, and parameter definitions wirefile='~/bin/my_idlpro/cos/wireflat_'+['a','b']+'.idl' ; change path to reflect local structure angstrom='!sA!r!u!9 %!x!n' ; makes an Angstrom symbol the correct way channame=['G130M','G160M','G130M + G160M','G140L'] ; name used on plots savefilechanname='_'+['g130m','g160m','both','g140l']+'_' ; name used in .idl savefile generation segname=['FUVA','FUVB'] ; detector names disp=[0.00997d,0.01223d,-1,0.0803d] ; grating dispersion (A/pix) xcorfeaturename=[['CII 1334.5','AlII 1670.8','n/a','CII 1334.5'], $ ['SiII 1260.4','SiII 1526.7','n/a','n/a']] ;minxcorwave =[[1330,1664,-1,1300],[1255,1520,-1,300]] ;maxxcorwave =[[1340,1676,-1,1370],[1266,1533,-1,900]] minxcorwave =[[1330,1664,-1,1300],[1255,1520,-1,1000]] maxxcorwave =[[1340,1676,-1,1370],[1266,1533,-1,1100]] flange_size=100. ; error-flanging scale height, pixels snthresh=5. ; local S/N threshhold for dynamic weighting speedoflight=2.9979e5 ;; parse weighting method if not keyword_set(method) then method=1 ; modified exposure time weighting default if method gt 3 or method lt -1 then method=1 ;; if no path supplied, assume current working directory if not keyword_set(path) then path='' ;; determine channel index to deal with various grating-specific ;; settings (dispersion, etc) if not keyword_set(chan) then begin chan=1 ; G130M default message,/info,' no data chanel specified. Assuming '+channame[chan-1] endif if chan eq 3 then begin chanind=[0,1] ; G130M+G160M endif else begin chanind=chan-1 ; single-grating mode endelse ;; determine input files if keyword_set(files) then nfiles=n_elements(files) else begin ; files=findfile2(path+'*_x1d.fits',count=nfiles) files=findfile(path+'*_x1d.fits',count=nfiles) if files[0] eq '' then begin message,/info,' !!! no files found !!!' stop endif endelse ;; parse file names to extract roots (strip off path and '_x1d.fits', ;; if any) for i=0,nfiles-1 do begin if strpos(files[i],'/') ne -1 then begin filetext=strsplit(files[i],'/',/extract) ; strip path out of filename files[i]=filetext[n_elements(filetext)-1] endif fileroot=strsplit(files[i],'_',/extract) ; strip '_*' off filename files[i]=fileroot[0] endfor if not keyword_set(scale) then scale=replicate(1.,nfiles) ;; define exposure quantities grating=strarr(nfiles) ; G130M, G160M, etc cenwave=intarr(nfiles) ; centra wavelength (blue edge of A-side grating) fppos=intarr(nfiles) ; FP position (1-4) filenote=strarr(nfiles) ;; loop through files, reading header information for i=0,nfiles-1 do begin ;; grating and central wavelength are in fits extension 0 junk=mrdfits(path+files[i]+'_x1d.fits',0,hdr0,/silent) grating[i]=strtrim(sxpar(hdr0,'OPT_ELEM'),2) cenwave[i]=fix(sxpar(hdr0,'CENWAVE')) fppos[i]=fix(sxpar(hdr0,'FPPOS')) endfor ;; pick only files matching the selected grating(s) if n_elements(chanind) eq 1 $ then g=where(grating eq channame[chanind]) $ else g=where(grating eq channame[chanind[0]] or grating eq channame[chanind[1]]) if g ne [-1] then begin grating=grating[g] cenwave=cenwave[g] fppos=fppos[g] files=files[g] nfiles=n_elements(g) endif else begin message,/info,'!!! WARNING !!!' message,/info,' no files match requested grating: '+channame[chan-1] message,/info,' exiting!!!' return endelse ;; Find the active area of the detector spec=mrdfits(path+files[0]+'_x1d.fits',1,fitshdr,/silent) targname=strtrim(sxpar(hdr0,'TARGNAME'),2) nwave = n_elements(spec[0].wavelength) boxsize = 100 zeroes = intarr(nwave) ;; loop through files and load spectral data into structures wavein=fltarr(nwave,nfiles,2) ; wavelength fluxin=fltarr(nwave,nfiles,2) ; flux errin=fltarr(nwave,nfiles,2) ; error pix2waveshift=fltarr(nfiles,2) ; pixel to wavelength shift (pixels, used in flatfielding) exptin=fltarr(nwave,nfiles,2) ; exposure time (seconds) dateobs=strarr(nfiles) ; Observation date (UT) timeobs=strarr(nfiles) ; observation time (UT) ;if keyword_set(newflat) then restore,'FUV_FF_ITER.dat' ; fall 2010 flatfield files if keyword_set(newflat) then restore,'~/bin/my_idlpro/cos/wireflats_iter.idl' ; processed 2010 flats for i=0,nfiles-1 do begin ;; spectral data as well as exposure time is stored in fits extension 1 spec=mrdfits(path+files[i]+'_x1d.fits',1,hdr1,/silent) dateobs[i]=strtrim(sxpar(hdr1,'DATE-OBS'),2) timeobs[i]=strtrim(sxpar(hdr1,'TIME-OBS'),2) pix2waveshift[i,*]=-1.*[sxpar(hdr1,'SHIFT1A'),sxpar(hdr1,'SHIFT1B')] ;; parse segments A, B into wave, flux, err vectors for j=0,1 do begin ; FUVA, FUVB ; exptin[i,j]=spec[j].exptime for k=0,nwave-1 do begin lo = 0 > (k - boxsize/2) hi = (nwave-1) < (k + boxsize/2) aa = where(spec[j].flux[lo:hi] eq 0, naa) zeroes[k] = naa endfor aa = where(zeroes eq 0, naa) waveintmp = spec[j].wavelength[aa[0]:aa[naa-1]] ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; UPDATE FLUX CALIBRATION (cos_sens_update can't (yet) handle G140L data) ;; Data calibrated under older versions of CalCOS contained ;; dramatically-incorrect flux calibration as opposed to the only ;; slightly-incorrect flux calibration now. This step shouldn't be ;; necessary for more current reductions. if keyword_set(update_flux) and chanind[0] ne 3 then begin fluxintmp=cos_sens_update(spec[j].wavelength,spec[j].flux,seg=segname[j],grat=strtrim(grating[i],2),/lv) errintmp=cos_sens_update(spec[j].wavelength,spec[j].error,seg=segname[j],grat=strtrim(grating[i],2),/lv) endif else begin fluxintmp=spec[j].flux errintmp=spec[j].error endelse exptintmp=replicate(spec[j].exptime,n_elements(fluxintmp)) ;; limit errors - in error-weighted coaddition, undue weight is given ;; to points with ridiculously small errors. For data ;; where there are significant regions of F~0, use the ;; methods=+-1 keyword. ;minerr = median(errin)-2.*stddev(errin)>1d-16 minerr=1d-17 errin = errin>minerr ; abs(errin) > 1d-17 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; SCALE FLUX, ERROR - User is responsible for determining the ;; relative flux levels between different ;; exposures and scaling accordingly. fluxintmp=fluxintmp*scale[i] errintmp=errintmp*scale[i] ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; CORRECT FOR GRID WIRES (wire flat) ;; ;; Kevin France has determined the best-available flat fields for the ;; G130M detectors. This includes both sensitivity changes and grid ;; wire locations in pixel space. For the moment, I don't bother with ;; the <10% flat-fielding issues and concentrate on the major ;; instrumental features which are narrow and >10% opaque (in ;; particular, shadows from grid wires). These profiles are ;; detector-specific and thus should work the same for ;; G130M/G160M/G140L observations made on the same detector (FUVA/B). ;; The corrections are made in detector coordinates, not ;; wavelength, so the 1-D flat is shifted by an amount listed in the ;; header keywords 'SHIFT1A' and 'SHIFT1B'. Flux vectors are divided ;; by the 'wire flat' while errors and local exposure time vectors are ;; divided by a fattened version of the wire flat, squared, where each ;; wire region is broadened by ~2 resel. A 15% opacity in a wire ;; should yeild a 38% increase in error which in turn will give it ;; only ~62% of the weight in exposure time weighted coaddition. if not keyword_set(no_flat) then begin if keyword_set(newflat) then begin ; message,/info,'USING NEW FLATS!' case grating[i] of 'G130M' : begin ; pseudoflat=(j eq 0 ? G130MA_FF : G130MB_FF) < 1.2 pseudoflat=(j eq 0 ? G130MA_F0 : G130MB_F0) end 'G160M' : begin ; pseudoflat=(j eq 0 ? G160MA_FF : G160MB_FF) < 1.2 pseudoflat=(j eq 0 ? G160MA_F0 : G160MB_F0) end else: message,'G140L not supported' endcase endif else begin restore,wirefile[j] endelse ;; flatten wires out of flux vector flat=shift(pseudoflat,round(pix2waveshift[i,j])) ; flat=shift_interp(pseudoflat,pix2waveshift[i,j]) ; non-integral pixel shift fluxintmp=fluxintmp/flat ;; broaden wire marks to properly flag error vector with wire locations fatflat=flat*0 errbox=7 ; pixels, half-width for k=errbox,n_elements(flat)-errbox-1 do $ fatflat[k]=min(flat[k-errbox:k+errbox]) errintmp=errintmp/fatflat^2 exptintmp=exptintmp*fatflat^2 endif ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; CROP TO NON-ZERO FLUX AREA OF DETECTOR fluxintmp=fluxintmp[aa[0]:aa[naa-1]] errintmp=errintmp[aa[0]:aa[naa-1]] exptintmp=exptintmp[aa[0]:aa[naa-1]] ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; 'FLANGE' the outer few angstroms of error and exposure time ;; vectors. This is a kludge to give contributions to the sum from ;; the edges of detectors where flux calibration is less certain less ;; weight than those from the middle. Flange scale height in pixels ;; is set by flange_size= above. if not keyword_set(no_flange) then begin npix=n_elements(waveintmp) edgedist=findgen(npix) flange=1.+((exp(-1.*(edgedist+1)/flange_size)) > $ (exp(-1.*(npix-2-edgedist)/flange_size))) errintmp=errintmp*flange exptintmp=exptintmp/flange^2 endif ;; copy temporary vectors into wavein/fluxin/errin arrays wavein[0:n_elements(waveintmp)-1,i,j]=waveintmp fluxin[0:n_elements(waveintmp)-1,i,j]=fluxintmp errin[0:n_elements(waveintmp)-1,i,j]=errintmp exptin[0:n_elements(waveintmp)-1,i,j]=exptintmp ;; pad out the rest of the wavelength range to the maximum ;; wavelength+1A (prevents wave=0) wavein[n_elements(waveintmp):*,i,j]=max(waveintmp)+.01 fluxin[n_elements(waveintmp):*,i,j]=0. errin[n_elements(waveintmp):*,i,j]=0. ;; filter out single-pixel down-spikes in error by comparing values to ;; seven-pixel medians. This takes care of some of it, but there are ;; still problems. 2/2/10 smootherrin=median(errin[*,i,j],7) for k=3,n_elements(waveintmp)-4 do if errin[k,i,j] le .1*smootherrin[k] then errin[k,i,j]=median(errin[k-3:k+3,i,j]) endfor ; side A/B loop endfor ; exposure loop ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; shift G140L side B data (added 3/19/10) ;; ;; The wavelength solution for the G140L side B data is grossly ;; wrong. Since no good wavelength solution exists, I assume that the ;; gap between A and B detectors (1589+-25 pixels) is representative ;; and shift the B-side data such that it is this many pixels to the ;; blue of the blue edge of the side A data for each exposure. ;g140lgap=123. ; angstroms ;for i=0,nfiles-1 do begin ; if grating[i] eq 'G140L' then begin ; rawgap=min(wavein[*,i,0])-max(wavein[*,i,1]) ; wavein[*,i,1]=wavein[*,i,1]-g140lgap+rawgap ; print,'*** Applying G140L-B gap correction of '+string(rawgap-g140lgap,'(F6.1)')+' Angstroms' ; endif ;endfor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; shift diagnostics ;; this was a section of code used when I was figuring out the sense ;; of the shifts required in the X-correlation. It's left in the code ;; for completeness. Feel free to ignore it. ;; ;; replace actual data with fake data ;fakeshift=20.*randomu(systime(/seconds),nfiles) ;vel1=([1260.4,1335.5,1526,1670.8]-1215.67)/1215.67*speedoflight ;for i=0,nfiles-1 do begin ; for j=0,1 do begin ; fluxin[*,i,j]=1. ; line=where((wavein[*,i,j] ge 1335.4 and wavein[*,i,j] le 1335.6) or (wavein[*,i,j] ge 1260.3 and wavein[*,i,j] le 1260.5) or (wavein[*,i,j] ge 1525.9 and wavein[*,i,j] le 1526.1) or (wavein[*,i,j] ge 1670.7 and wavein[*,i,j] le 1670.9)) ; fluxin[line,i,j]=.1 ; wavein[*,i,j]=wavein[*,i,j]+i*disp[0] ; endfor ;endfor ; ;print,fakeshift ; ;stop ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; COALIGN DATA ;; For the moment, the code assumes the CalCOS wavelength scale is ;; relatively correct. As of Nov '09, the best wavelength ;; solutions were determined from FPPOS=3 at the middle grating ;; position in each band (1309 and 1600). Coalign on these positions ;; if available, and on FPPOS=3 if not. If neither is available, the ;; first exposure is used as the reference. The final coadded data ;; should be relatively aligned, but may need a global shift into ;; whatever rest frame you like. This can be done using the ;; ubershift= keyword or in post-processing. ;; ;; Data is cross-correlated based on a the spectral region around a ;; single strong feature in each segment. The given data is based on ;; strong ISM features which appear in most ISM and IGM continuum ;; targets. If this doesn't work for you, substitute your own regions ;; of interest (emission lines, etc.). The vector xcorfeaturename is ;; purely for your own edification and not used by the code in any way. ;; ;; If you wish to add a specific shift for each exposure/side, use the ;; keyword indivshift=[] (added 5/27/10) xshift=fltarr(nfiles,2) ; wavelength shift for each exposure if keyword_set(indivshift) then no_align=1. if nfiles gt 1 and not keyword_set(no_align) then begin bestgrate=[1309,1600,-1,1230] ;; pick reference exposure(s) for i=0,n_elements(chanind)-1 do begin ; do this twice if G130M+G160M, once otherwise ref=where(grating eq channame[chanind[i]] and cenwave eq bestgrate[chanind[i]] and fppos eq 3) ; center grating setting, FPPos=3 (best option) if ref eq [-1] then ref=where(grating eq channame[chanind[i]] and fppos eq 3) ; anything at FPpos=3 (2nd choice) if ref eq [-1] then ref=where(grating eq channame[chanind[i]]) ; use first file if n_elements(ref) gt 1 then begin print,'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' print,'!!! NOTE: multiple reference exposures available for grating '+grating[ref[0]]+':' for j=0,n_elements(ref)-1 do begin print,strtrim(j,2)+'- '+files[ref[j]]+' '+string(grating[ref[j]],cenwave[ref[j]],fppos[ref[j]],max(exptin[*,ref[j],0]),median(fluxin[*,ref[j],0]),max(exptin[*,ref[j],1]),median(fluxin[*,ref[j],1]),'(A5,I5,2x,I1,x,F8.1,E9.2,F8.1,E9.2)')+' '+dateobs[ref[j]]+' '+timeobs[ref[j]] endfor print,' Using exposure 0 above as alignment reference.' print,' Re-run code with explicit file list if this is non-optimal.' print,'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' endif ref=ref[0] filenote[ref]=filenote[ref]+'*';alignment reference exposure ' ;; identify other exposures from the same grating thisgrat=where(grating eq grating[ref]) ;; x-correlate exposures to that grating, by side ; if grating[ref] eq 'G140L' then xcor_width=300 else xcor_width=30 ; 30 pixels = 3A (G140L) or 0.3A (M gratings) for j=0,1 do begin ; side A, B for k=0,n_elements(thisgrat)-1 do begin ; define equivalent wavelength ranges to compare refrange=where(wavein[*,ref,j] ge minxcorwave[chanind[i],j] $ and wavein[*,ref,j] le maxxcorwave[chanind[i],j]) comprange=where(wavein[*,thisgrat[k],j] ge minxcorwave[chanind[i],j] $ and wavein[*,thisgrat[k],j] le maxxcorwave[chanind[i],j]) ; cross-correlate comparison with reference data refx=wavein[refrange,ref,j] refy=fluxin[refrange,ref,j] compx=wavein[comprange,thisgrat[k],j] compy=fluxin[comprange,thisgrat[k],j] ; invoke Herczeg Clause (non-standard central wavelength, FP position ; check) herczeg: if abs(n_elements(compx)-n_elements(refx)) gt 2 then begin if n_elements(compx) lt n_elements(refx) then begin print,'!!! comparison data '+files[thisgrat[k]]+' does not cover entire reference cross-correlation range' print,'!!! reference range:'+string(minxcorwave[chanind[i],j],maxxcorwave[chanind[i],j],'(2F10.2)') print,'!!! comparison data:'+string(minmax(compx),'(2F10.2)') filenote[thisgrat[k]]=filenote[thisgrat[k]]+'cross-correlation range truncated! ' endif if n_elements(refx) lt n_elements(compx) then begin print,'!!! reference data '+files[ref]+' does not cover entire reference cross-correlation range.' print,'!!! reference range:'+string(minxcorwave[chanind[i],j],maxxcorwave[chanind[i],j],'(2F10.2)') print,'!!! reference data:'+string(minmax(refx),'(2F10.2)') filenote[ref]=filenote[ref]+'reference range truncated! ' endif print,'!!! Truncating reference range to attempt a fix.' refxrange=minmax(refx) & compxrange=minmax(compx) userange=[refxrange[0]>compxrange[0],refxrange[1] shift t_exp shift Date Time ' print,'---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' for i=0,nfiles-1 do print,string(i,'(I2)')+' - '+files[i]+' '+ string(grating[i],cenwave[i],fppos[i],max(exptin[*,i,0]),median(fluxin[*,i,0]),xshift[i,0], max(exptin[*,i,1]),median(fluxin[*,i,1]),xshift[i,1],'(A5,I5,2x,I1,x,F8.1,E9.2,F7.3,F8.1,E9.2,F7.3)')+' '+dateobs[i]+' '+timeobs[i]+' '+filenote[i] print,' (* alignment reference exposure)' print,' ' ;; collapse sides A and B into the same vector (remove third dimension ;; from the arrays) wavein=[[wavein[*,*,0]],[wavein[*,*,1]]] fluxin=[[fluxin[*,*,0]],[fluxin[*,*,1]]] errin=[[errin[*,*,0]],[errin[*,*,1]]] exptin=[[exptin[*,*,0]],[exptin[*,*,1]]] grating=[grating,grating] cenwave=[cenwave,cenwave] fppos=[fppos,fppos] side=[replicate('A',nfiles),replicate('B',nfiles)] nfiles=nfiles*2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Define array for coadded wavelength ;; At the moment, I assume a linear dispersion for the data. This is ;; approximately correct for the medium-resolution gratings, but ;; definitely not correct for G140L. The G130M+G160M data get a ;; dual-dispersion solution broken at 1450A. goodwave=where(fluxin ne 0. and wavein gt 0.) ; changed 4/7/10 if chan eq 3 then begin ; create dual-dispersion G130M+G160M vector wave=disp[0]*dindgen(33099)+min(wavein[goodwave]) ; G130M section good=where(wave le 1460.) & wave=wave[good] ; truncate at 1460A wave=[wave,max(wave)+disp[1]+disp[1]*dindgen(27800)] ; G160M section good=where(wave ge min(wavein[goodwave]) and wave le max(wavein[goodwave])) wave=wave[good] endif else begin minwave = round(min(wavein[goodwave]));/disp)) * disp[chanind] maxwave = round(max(wavein[goodwave]));/disp)) * disp[chanind] wave = minwave + dindgen((maxwave-minwave)/disp[chanind] + 1.)*disp[chanind] endelse ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Interpolate the individual exposures onto the coadded wavelength ;; vector. (Note, this code requires the ASTROLIB version of ;; The common GHRSLIB version produces subtlely wrong ;; results). fluxint=fltarr(n_elements(wave),nfiles) ; interpolated flux errint=fltarr(n_elements(wave),nfiles) ; interpolated error exptint=fltarr(n_elements(wave),nfiles) ; interpolated exposure time array for i=0,nfiles-1 do begin good=where(wavein[*,i] gt min(wave)) ; use only real wavelength values LINTERP,wavein[good,i],fluxin[good,i],wave,fluxtmp,missing=0. fluxint[*,i]=fluxtmp[*] LINTERP,wavein[good,i],errin[good,i],wave,errtmp,missing=0. errint[*,i]=errtmp[*] LINTERP,wavein[good,i],exptin[good,i],wave,exptmp,missing=0. exptint[*,i]=exptmp[*] endfor ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Perform the coaddition ;; ;; COADDITION: flux elements are coadded pixel by pixel according to ;; several methods set by the keyword method. In our extensive ;; testing, modified exposure time weighting with flanging seems to ;; produce the best coadditions with the least spurious features. ;; Thus we have made method=1 the default. ;; method=-1 - simple mean of pixel values, gives too much weight to ;; short exposures ;; method= 1 - modified exposure weighting: Exposure time is ;; modified at each pixel location by flanging and wire ;; shadows (if selected). ;; method= 2 - err^-2 weighting, allows error array tuning, but ;; tends to weight toward lower-flux pixels. ;; method= 3 - (S/N)^2 weighting, allows for error array tuning, but ;; tends to weight toward higher-flux pixels. ;; define output vectors flux = dblarr(n_elements(wave)) err = dblarr(n_elements(wave)) exptime = dblarr(n_elements(wave)) for i=0L,n_elements(wave)-1 do begin ; loop through by pixel good=where(fluxint[i,*] ne 0.) ; which exposures have data at this location? if good ne [-1] then begin exptime[i]=total(exptint[i,good]) ; track total exposure time per pixel if n_elements(good) eq 1 then begin ; only one exposure at this wavelength flux[i]=fluxint[i,good] err[i]=errint[i,good] endif else begin localsn=median(fluxint[i,good]/errint[i,good]) ; local pixel S/N ;; simple mean if method eq -1 then begin ; simple mean flux[i]=total(fluxint[i,good])/double(n_elements(good)) err[i]=stddev(fluxint[i,good])/sqrt(double(n_elements(good))) endif ;; modified exposure-weighted mean if method eq 1 then begin flux[i]=total(fluxint[i,good]*exptint[i,good])/total(exptint[i,good]) ; err[i]=stddev(fluxint[i,good])/sqrt(double(n_elements(good))) ; err[i]=sqrt(1d/total(1d/errint[i,good]^2)) err[i]=sqrt(total((exptint[i,good]*errint[i,good])^2))/total(exptint[i,good]) ; SVP method, fall 2010 endif ;; error-weighted mean if method eq 2 then begin wts=(1d/errint[i,good]^2) flux[i]=total(fluxint[i,good]*wts)/total(wts) err[i]=sqrt(1d/total(wts)) endif ;; (flux/err)^2-weighted mean (flux(lam)/err(lam) should be equivalent to sqrt(t)) if method eq 3 then begin wts=(fluxint[i,good]/errint[i,good])^2 flux[i]=total(fluxint[i,good]*wts)/total(wts) err[i]=sqrt(1d/total(wts)) endif endelse endif endfor ; coaddition loop if keyword_set(ubershift) then wave=wave+ubershift ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; PLOTting if keyword_set(plot) then begin if plot eq 2 then begin ; fancy plot with exposure time sub-graph underneath !p.multi=[0,1,2] !y.margin=[-10,2] endif if not keyword_set(xrange) then xrange=[min(wave)-10.,max(wave)+10] if xrange[1]-xrange[0] gt 100 then nsum=7 else nsum=1 ;; flux, error vs wavelength nonairglow=where(abs(wave-1215.67) gt 20. and abs(wave-1305) gt 20. and wave gt min(wave)+2. and wave lt max(wave)-2.) if not keyword_set(yrange) then yrange=minmax(smooth(flux[nonairglow],49)) plot,wave,flux,xrange=xrange,/xsty,yrange=[(-0.1*yrange[1])>yrange[0],yrange[1]],/ysty,nsum=nsum,xtit='Wavelength ('+angstrom+')',ytit='Flux (erg cm!u-2!n s!u-1!n '+angstrom+'!u-1!n)',tit=targname+' (COS/'+channame[chan-1]+')' oplot,wave,err,psym=3,color=128,nsum=nsum oplot,!x.crange,[0.,0.],lines=1 ;; exposure time vs wavelength if plot eq 2 then begin !y.margin=[4,14] plot,wave,exptime/1000.,xtit='Wavelength ('+angstrom+')',ytit='Exposure (ksec)',yr=[0,1.1*max(exptime)/1000.],/ysty,xr=!x.crange,/xsty,nsum=nsum !y.margin=[4,2] !p.multi=0 endif endif ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; SAVE everything as IDL binary file if keyword_set(savefile) then begin if strtrim(savefile,2) eq '1' then savefile=strlowcase(targname)+savefilechanname[chan-1]+'coadd.idl' readme='Generated by '+systime() save,readme,targname,fitshdr,files,grating,side,cenwave,fppos,dateobs,exptin,wavein,fluxin,errin,wave,flux,err,exptime,file=savefile message,/info,' data saved as '+savefile endif end