From the arctic the aurora is a swirling, fantastic, unbelievable light show! So I lead education-adventure trips to see the lights. We fly Denver-Edmonton-Yellowknife, Canada, and then take a chartered plane to the beautiful Blachford Lake Lodge, where we see the lights almost every night. During the day we cross country ski or snow shoe, ice fish, or travel with sleds and dogs. (For Fall trips we hike around the beautiful lodge and canoe on the lake.) We also visit the Yellowknife museum and learn about the early northern explorers, including Franklin’s Lost Expedition that mysteriously vanished along with 129 sailors while searching for the Northwest Passage. I have had the opportunity to visit the Franklin graves on remote Beechey Island, and show pictures and tell the tales. In 1991 I made it to the North Pole. We used two Twin-Otter aircraft, and took a week.
Only about a dozen people can go on any one trip. Please contact me if interested.
Here are a few images I took. I teach participants how to photograph the lights. It’s easy!

Northern lights from near Yellowstone.
Notice Orion to the left of the native Dene teepee. This was published by National Geographic.

Our very comfortable lodge.

On the way to the North Pole.

At the North Pole.

Learning to build and Igloo, in Cape Dorset Inuit Village on Baffin Island.

A walrus, on someone’s back porch. No need for a freezer.

I temporarily traded my North Face for a native man’s furs.

At the Franklin Expedition graves on Beechey Island. Unbelievably desolate place.